







OUT the merchants from the temple!
It was a public meeting at the Auditorium of the Diocesan Museum in Molfetta on the theme "The Rites of Holy Week between Art, Culture and Tourism."
At the speakers' table by my side was the bishop of the diocese, Msgr. Martella. He was relating a high prelate when suddenly, pointing his finger toward the room where, among the large audience, there were also the priors of the confraternities, he exclaimed in a firm voice and peremptory tone , "Get the merchants out of the temple!"
I shuddered in my chair: he has it in for me! - I thought. The bishop was surprised and immediately, before handing me the floor, tried to tone down the polemical tone. Now it was my turn.
What to do? Respond in kind or gloss over it? I had to decide and right away. The blow was strong. As always, "let's move on," and unnecessary controversy is left to others. I ignored it by reporting as if nothing had happened.
That year at the 2013 Milan Bit we presented the comprehensive format on tourism promotion "Holy Week in Apulia" and "Patrons of Apulia," as well as the photo contest on Easter rites.
These projects were part of our strategy of territorial marketing and tourism and cultural promotion, aimed at enhancing local resources and local traditions.
Our commitment to promoting Puglia's cultural tourism and creating synergies for territorial development was reinforced by these initiatives. The presentation at the Bit in Milan demonstrated our ability to collaborate with public and private entities and effectively promote Puglia's cultural heritage.
Through the "Holy Week in Apulia" project , we enhanced the Apulian territory and promoted local resources, demonstrating the importance of territorial marketing for local governments and private companies.
The photo contest on Easter rites further highlighted our expertise in tourism promotion and territorial cultural innovation.If you have a project worth knowing about, let's talk about it together and find out how we can collaborate. Visit our past works for inspiration.



website > www.patronidipuglia.it


website > www.settimanasantainpuglia.it





Did you hear on television the statements of our mayor? They are unacceptable: call your colleagues and let's meet right away, Rino Grossano of "Grossano Arredamenti" told me on the phone that Saturday morning .
It was the public statements of our first citizen, over the death of three workers while cleaning a tanker, that triggered a burst of pride on the part of all the entrepreneurs in the Molfetta industrial zone.
It was up to me to rally them all. And so it was. During the Zapp Impresa period, I had tried for the first time to set up an association grouping entrepreneurs in the Molfetta industrial area.
But because of personal mistakes due to my inexcusable naiveté and good faith, and also thanks to some of my colleagues who were bamboozled by the usual politician who got in the way, the project fell apart.
Now the time was more ripe.
So I pulled out the old bylaws, and thanks to the cooperation of Loredana Lezoche of the Globeco company , theMolfetta Industrial Area Business Association took shape and substance.
I held the position of president for a few months.
The creation of this association has made it possible to strengthen territorial marketing for local governments and private companies, promoting local resources and the territory of Molfetta.


video > https://youtu.be/yraH91SfVmM?feature=shared




Das ist NICHT gut! (that's no good!)
commented the German security officer when he saw the way I was trying to set up my projector in the foyer of the Philharmonie Orchestra.
That evening they had dedicated a space for me to project videos and images of Holy Week in Apulia as well as to distribute guidebooks in German as part of our project to promote tourism and enhance local traditions.
The projector was not perfectly horizontal to the wall, so I was scrambling with scraps of paper in trying to give it the right balance: he came right away with his toolbox, level and grommets and in no time fixed everything. This episode highlighted the typically southern creativity of making do against the German concreteness.
I was there because that evening an exceptional event would take place at the Berlin Philharmonie. The Ruvo di Puglia Band, conducted by Maestro Pino Minafra, accompanied by the "Faraualla" musical group , would perform a concert of Apulian funeral marches.
This event was part of our territorial marketing and cultural promotion projects aimed at enhancing local resources and promoting the local traditions of Puglia.
The theater was sold out and it was peculiar to see the German audience attend a concert of Apulian funeral marches paying 25.00 euros for the entrance ticket complete with a standing ovation at the end.



video > https://youtu.be/rfTGIFn_7gQ?feature=shared


website > www.settimanasantainpuglia.it




Those were the years when we were beginning to discuss sustainable mobility, a new way of traveling, we were talking about slow travel, and discussing the concept of slowness. The term cyclotourism was beginning to take shape and substance in our region, part of our plans to promote tourism and enhance local resources.
I was returning from a weekend in the Gargano and at a masseria I had a chat with an Austrian cyclotourist. It was the best opportunity to try to understand what the critical points were for those who wanted to undertake a bike trip in our region. There's nothing he answered me.
The total lack of information on routes, bike paths, technical assistance, and information on hospitality-there was nothing from which to draw information for those who wanted to embark on a bike trip in our region.
After months of research, inspections and verification, we delivered to the region a boxed set of routes to bike from the Gargano to Salento, with detailed road maps, bike-friendly workshops and reception, and a dedicated web portal.
The goal of the project, ollaborating with public and private entities to promote and develop a comprehensive bicycle tourism infrastructure. Our initiative has improved the tourism promotion of Puglia and contributed to territorial cultural innovation, making the region more accessible and attractive to bicycle tourists.




website > www.bicipuglia.it




It was a DREAM to host in my city some of the great professionals and masters of photography such as master Gianni Berengo Gardin. This was possible thanks to the collaboration with the photographer and teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera - Milan - Cosmo Laera.
I felt a strong embarrassment sitting next to the greats of photography, followed their work in absolute and respectful silence and did nothing but pick up all their critical comments and suggestions to treasure them for my photographic passion.
There were 258 photo reports received in the editorial office. We stayed for two days locked inside the auditorium of the Diocesan Museum in Molfetta, side by side with the great artist and photographer Gianni Berengo Gardin, Denis Curti director of the magazine "Il Fotografo," Laura Serani of the European Institute of Photography in Paris, Antonella Gaeta of Apulia Film Commission,Giancarlo Piccirillo of the Pugliapromozione Agency and Enzo Quarto of the editorial staff of RAI 3 Puglia to select the photographic works received and decree the winner who would be awarded the prize money of 5.000,00.
The winner of the first prize was photographer Michele Sorrentino from Campania (photo procession of the Desolata / Canosa di Puglia). This event was part of our projects of cultural promotion and enhancement of local resources, highlighting the importance of territorial marketing and tourism promotion of Puglia.
The participation of internationally renowned professionals reinforced our strategy of territorial cultural innovation and our ability to attract global attention to Puglia's beauty and traditions.



Partners: European Institute of Photography / Paris • Puglia Promozione / Apulia Region • Apulia Region Tourism Department • Brera Academy of Milan • The Photographer • Apulia Film Commission • RAI3 Apulia
If you are looking for partners to promote cultural tourism and valorise local traditions get in touch with us, and have a look at our projects to find out how we can collaborate.



website > www.settimanasantainpuglia.it


video > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9T5PJETWJE





we have SOLD IT, the marketing manager of the Mongolfiera centers in Puglia told me enthusiastically over the phone.


The idea of creating an editorial format for tourism and cultural promotion with an extensive showcase dedicated to shopping had been approved and shared by the management.


A magazine distributed free of charge in the best hotels in our region, to inform and orient touristsin shopping, accompanied by columns, information and curiosities on Apulian food and wine with itineraries to discover the artistic and scenic beauty of Puglia.


Our territorial marketing strategy has helped make Puglia an attractive tourist destination, offering tourists a complete experience that goes beyond shopping, including the discovery of the region's cultural and natural beauty.


Fashion / Design / Events / Landscape / Food