







hablo con el Sr. Armenio sobre la Semana Santa en Apulia?... (Good morning, is this Mr. Armenio speaking from Holy Week in Apulia?). I thought it was a call center or a prank call: on the other end of the phone was someone who kept speaking to me in Spanish that was incomprehensible to me.


I understood that we were to meet shortly thereafter at the Faculty of Philosophy of theUniversity of Bari. We immediately agreed on a tourist and cultural twinning on the rites of Apulian Holy Week and the rites of the Spanish region of Castile and León, a project of cultural promotion and enhancement of local traditions.


Contact us today to find out how we can work together to enhance the resources and traditions of your area, and view our other projects to explore the successful initiatives we have implemented in the tourism and cultural sphere.
Fifty-two of us left for Valladolid with the Band of Bitonto, the brethren from Vico del Gargano, regional leaders, and the Feart coop from Molfetta, for concerts and a photo exhibition at the Royal Palace of the Spanish city. This event was part of our commitment to territorial marketing and creating synergies for territorial development.


On the way back, we were expected to visit the municipalities of Bitonto, Molfetta, and Vico del Gargano for concerts and a traveling photo exhibition, further promoting cultural tourism and the enhancement of the Molfetta area. The event concluded in Lecce with a final conference on Apulian and Spanish Easter rites, demonstrating our expertise in Apulia's tourism promotion and territorial cultural innovation.


This twinning strengthened networks between public and private entities and contributed to the promotion of Puglia's local resources and cultural traditions, enhancing our mission to create connections and development opportunities for local governments and private companies.




website > https://www.settimanasantainpuglia.it/content/puglia-spagna.asp?lan=ita


video > https://youtu.be/ByBs7Kw1nG8?feature=shared


video rai3 > https://youtu.be/1ag-yqVeVE8?feature=shared






"ch' tande vetendoine propri a taje a’ venna chiameu” (With so many Bitontines just had to call you). This was said to me in the first meeting of the whole tourism chain of the city of Bitonto, a well-known chef from Bitonto.


There is always someone who makes controversy, often a sterile and useless controversy, in public meetings: it's part of the game, I'm used to it. Contact us today to find out how we can work together to enhance the resources and traditions of your area, and view our other projects to explore the successful initiatives we have implemented in the tourism and cultural sphere.


It was a courageous decision by thecouncillor for tourism, culture and territorial marketing, Rocco Mangini, to aim for a greater awareness of the rich cultural, historical and food and wine heritage on the part of all tourist and cultural operators in the area, arriving at the creation of a multilingual pocket guide for a tourist and cultural revival of the city of Bitonto.
This project of cultural promotion and enhancement of local resources demonstrated the importance of territorial marketing.


Such a courageous choice that after the presentation of the VISITBITONTO.COM guide, thanks to the tireless work of the councillor for tourism and culture Rocco Mangini, as well as the entire administration led by Mayor Michele Abbaticchio, Bitonto reached the finals as the Italian Capital of Culture 2020, playing it all the way with the city of Parma. This success highlighted our expertise in promoting tourism in Puglia and creating synergies for territorial development.


The visitbitonto.com project involved local governments and private companies, promoting the local traditions and cultural heritage of Puglia. Through the multilingual guide and related initiatives, we enhanced the territory of Bitonto, demonstrating the effectiveness of our territorial marketing strategy and the ability to create networks between public and private entities.







It was a MEMORABLE day, strongly desired by the then Mayor of Molfetta Paola Natalicchio and dedicated to Molfetta and the many Molfettesi living in the Lombard capital.


On the occasion ofEXPOMILANO 2015, inside the Exopogate Space in front of the Sforzesco Castle in Milan, for a whole day the trade associations of our city took turns in telling the tourist, cultural, industrial and food and wine peculiarities.
This event was part of ourplans to promote tourism and enhance local and business traditions.


The Baresi Chefs Association organized a cooking show, the Bassa Banda shuttled to Piazza Duomo with its traditional music, some high schools prepared a photo exhibition, and the Molfetta infopoint projected videos on the artistic and scenic beauty of our area. These activities demonstrated our commitment to territorial marketing and cultural promotion of Apulia.


Finally, we, theEntrepreneurs' Association of the Molfetta Industrial Area, presented the promotion & marketing container "molfettaexport.com" in the presence of the Councillor for Productive Activities of the City of Milan, Dr. Tajani.
This tourism and business promotion project contributed to the enhancement of the Molfetta area, creating synergies for territorial development and promoting local resources.


The event involved local governments and private companies, strengthening networks between public and private entities and demonstrating our expertise in creating development opportunities for Apulia's tourism and culture.


If you would like to learn more about our initiatives and collaborate to enhance your area, contact us here. Also, discover other successful projects we have implemented to promote local culture and traditions.
Through these initiatives, we emphasized the importance of collaboration between different sectors for the tourism promotion of Puglia and the enhancement of local traditions.



video > https://youtu.be/qiv_A3KeNNU?feature=shared






It is a FOLLY to bring companies in the Molfetta industrial area together to share a vision, a project, an idea.
"A folly" is what some of my colleagues thought: I was asking everyone to take one step back to take a hundred steps forward. Putting aside mutual mistrusts, to start a network among companies to be stronger and more visible in this global world, seemed an impossible task.


Trying to tell and sell our know-how was the goal of the "molfettaexport.com" promotion and marketing project.
From handicraft companies to service companies, from mechanical companies to trade, almost all companies (sixty-nine companies) joined . A few were left out that I could not, as a matter of time, aggregate.


I was asking them for a small financial contribution to cover the costs of creating a multilingual catalog and web portal. It took months of relentless work to photograph, gather information, prepare layouts, and at the end of a tiring but exhilarating door-to-door, the project took shape.


The power of networking to develop and promote an economy among the same companies and greater competitive strength in national and international markets. From mechanics to furniture, from handicrafts to services and transportation by grouping about twenty different commodity activities.
The creation of a multilingual color catalog for free distribution at the most important trade fairs. A multilingual web portal as a showcase for developing new business relationships, accompanied by social activities, contributing to the tourism promotion of Puglia and the enhancement of the Molfetta area.
This project demonstrated the effectiveness of our territorial cultural innovation and marketing strategy for local governments and private companies.


If you would like to work together to develop projects that enhance local resources, contact us today. Also, find out how we have already made a difference with other clients.




video > https://youtu.be/qiv_A3KeNNU?feature=shared


video > https://youtu.be/6yjV_EuzMNA?feature=shared




"There is NOTHING here in Molfetta. Why should a tourist stop?".
I often heard this phrase repeated to me during meetings with key players in the city's entire tourism and cultural industry. So go and explain to them that there is no place in the world "where there is nothing." Tell them what the "genius loci" is, tell them that where there is a community there is always something to tell the world and there is always someone willing to listen.
And so out come twelve tourist-cultural itineraries to discover our area: The Way to the East, At the Center of the Earth, Easter Events, The September Festival, The Breath of the Sea, The Ways of Taste, La Vie en Rose, Know-How, Cultural Events, Bella by Night.
These itineraries are part of our project to promote tourism and enhance local traditions. 
Itineraries encapsulated in a multilingual (Italian/English/German) pocket guide distributed free of charge at major national and international tourism fairs and a dedicated multilingual web portal. This territorial marketing project demonstrated the effectiveness of our strategy of cultural promotion and territorial cultural innovation.
The tourist-cultural project "visitmolfetta.it" was supported financially largely by private individuals with a small share from the Municipality of Molfetta. This highlighted our ability to create synergies for territorial development and involve local governments and private companies.


In addition, the design and implementation of a multilingual tourism web portal with a DMS (Destination Management System) function contributed to the tourism promotion of Apulia and the enhancement of the Molfetta area.


Why not bring your territory into the spotlight too? Get in touch with us to discuss your needs, and see other examples of success in our projects.





website > www.visitmolfetta.com
video > https://youtu.be/fLA4y8BhDes?feature=shared




You CHANGE in order not to die...
goes a famous song by artist Fiorella Mannoia. Something new was taking shape, I felt the need to identify and characterize more the path of tourism and cultural promotion that we had been pursuing for years, but there was something that did not fit.
And so the Cultural Association Opera ceased its activities and the new Association of Cultural-Tourist Promotion Pugliautentica came into being .
A very identifying claim on what were our future goals of enhancing local resources and promoting local traditions.
An Association equipped with professional skills to qualify and promote the knowledge of popular and folkloric traditions of Apulia through the creation of promotional communicative artifacts.
This is part of our territorial marketing and cultural promotion projects, aimed at creating synergies for territorial development.
The Pugliautentica Association was thus born from the desire to tell the story of the artistic and cultural contaminations that have characterized and still characterize our Puglia, an ancient borderland between "east and west" in a continuous dialogue between tradition and innovation.
Through projects like Pugliautentica, we aim to strengthen territorial marketing for local governments and private companies, enhancing the Apulian territory and promoting local resources through cultural and tourism initiatives.
The goal is to continue to innovate territorial culture and create sustainable development opportunities for tourism in Puglia.





website > www.associazionepugliautentica.it