Tourist Experience

2010. For me, Apulia is much more than just a tourist destination. My proposal for sotenibile tourism starts with emotional events that enrich the local community, reaffirming its values and knowledge.
When I invite travellers to discover Apulia, I do not just want to show them places; I want to offer them a path of knowledge that will leave a mark in their memory. From the intensity of Easter rites to joyful patronal festivals, from places of worship to paths of the soul, every corner of Apulia tells a unique story.
This journey is a profound encounter with the heritage of tangible and intangible assets that make Apulia so special.
If you too want your visitors to have a profound and authentic experience, I will be happy to share my experience in tourism communication and marketing to make the most of your reality.
Contact me now to create an effective strategy together.

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Discover more


SANCTA : Puglia in the Heart of the Soul. The SANCTA publishing project aims to promote and enhance Puglia's religious-tourist itineraries, both nationally and internationally.
Through a journey along the paths of Apulian tradition and cultural history, SANCTA recounts a universe ranging from folklore to popular fiction, from religious rituals to 'places of the soul'.
These places, such as churches, abbeys and sanctuaries, represent an important attraction for tourists from all over the world, offering an integrated travel experience of culture, spirituality and natural beauty.

Contact us now to find out how we can enhance your reality through our experience in narrating the culture and spirituality of Apulia.


places of the soul


We have produced a full-colour, multilingual photographic volume, with descriptive sheets of each company, which describes the know-how of the companies in the industrial area of Molfetta, from mechanics to furniture, from craftsmanship to services and transport, grouping together around twenty different productive activities.


The book "Molfettaexport.com, much more" was distributed free of charge at the most important trade fairs of the sector, representing a unique opportunity to promote the business excellence of the Molfetta area.


Find out how we can improve your business and contribute to strengthen the competitiveness of our territory. Contact us today to find out more and see other successful projects we have carried out for the industrial sector.



Much more


During the Easter period, the rites of Holy Week in Apulia are something very special for me.
They are moments that carry a deep emotional impact, thanks to the theatricality of the processional rites and the way they unfold during spring nights, in an atmosphere charged with shared emotion.


From Gargano to Salento, I invite you to walk with me through the narrow streets of our historic centres, illuminated by the dim lights of candles. It is a journey that culminates in the collective joy of Easter, an experience that touches the soul.


Find out how we can guideyou on this journey of faith, art and culture.
Holy week


Patronal festivals in Apulia are something magical, suspended between the sacred and the profane. They are moments when our communities dress up to celebrate, in an explosion of lights, colours, sounds and fires. Every year, these special events unite the Christian faith with our rich popular culture, creating deep bonds that are passed down from generation to generation.
I invite you to travel these itineraries with me, from Gargano to Salento, to discover the most authentic soul of Apulia. It is a journey that will accompany you all year round, revealing the true essence of this land.


If you would like to discover more about these fascinating traditions and see how we can work together to promote local culture and festivities, contact me: I am here to explore new opportunities with you.
The Feast