



since 1980


It is a story that goes way back, becoming over time a concrete entrepreneurial reality in the fields ofpublishing, packaging and territorial marketing, through the design and realisation of communication artefacts and tourism and cultural promotion projects for local administrations and private entities.
Inventing from nothing and daily building a human and professional path of knowledge and know-how, enhancing local resources and promoting local traditions.
We develop territorial communication&marketing projects for companies and collaborate with public bodies on cultural projects, creating synergies for territorial development and territorial cultural innovation.Work with us to create innovative synergies and promote your territory through cultural and tourism marketing strategies.
Our mission is to break down walls and mistrust, creating networks between public and private entities and offering consultancy and planning in territorial marketing. Request a free consultation and discover how we can help you develop successful projects for the promotion of your territory.
We specialise in the promotion of Apulia with a focus on tourism and cultural promotion through institutional events and public-private partnerships. Explore other projects that have helped enhance and promote the Apulian territory and other local realities.


Contact us today to learn more and to discuss how we can work together to promote your territory or company through territorial marketing strategies.





website > www.editricelimmagine.it
website > www.etichettelimmagine.it


video > https://youtu.be/qzcmhjfnsBM?feature=shared


video > https://youtu.be/NrNbJZDwFAk?feature=shared




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"ch' tande vetendoine propri a taje a’ venna chiameu” (With so many Bitontines just had to call you). This was said to me in the first meeting of the whole tourism chain of the city of Bitonto, a well-known chef from Bitonto.


There is always someone who makes controversy, often a sterile and useless controversy, in public meetings: it's part of the game, I'm used to it. Contact us today to find out how we can work together to enhance the resources and traditions of your area, and view our other projects to explore the successful initiatives we have implemented in the tourism and cultural sphere.


It was a courageous decision by thecouncillor for tourism, culture and territorial marketing, Rocco Mangini, to aim for a greater awareness of the rich cultural, historical and food and wine heritage on the part of all tourist and cultural operators in the area, arriving at the creation of a multilingual pocket guide for a tourist and cultural revival of the city of Bitonto.
This project of cultural promotion and enhancement of local resources demonstrated the importance of territorial marketing.


Such a courageous choice that after the presentation of the VISITBITONTO.COM guide, thanks to the tireless work of the councillor for tourism and culture Rocco Mangini, as well as the entire administration led by Mayor Michele Abbaticchio, Bitonto reached the finals as the Italian Capital of Culture 2020, playing it all the way with the city of Parma. This success highlighted our expertise in promoting tourism in Puglia and creating synergies for territorial development.


The visitbitonto.com project involved local governments and private companies, promoting the local traditions and cultural heritage of Puglia. Through the multilingual guide and related initiatives, we enhanced the territory of Bitonto, demonstrating the effectiveness of our territorial marketing strategy and the ability to create networks between public and private entities.








hablo con el Sr. Armenio sobre la Semana Santa en Apulia?... (Good morning, is this Mr. Armenio speaking from Holy Week in Apulia?). I thought it was a call center or a prank call: on the other end of the phone was someone who kept speaking to me in Spanish that was incomprehensible to me.


I understood that we were to meet shortly thereafter at the Faculty of Philosophy of theUniversity of Bari. We immediately agreed on a tourist and cultural twinning on the rites of Apulian Holy Week and the rites of the Spanish region of Castile and León, a project of cultural promotion and enhancement of local traditions.


Contact us today to find out how we can work together to enhance the resources and traditions of your area, and view our other projects to explore the successful initiatives we have implemented in the tourism and cultural sphere.
Fifty-two of us left for Valladolid with the Band of Bitonto, the brethren from Vico del Gargano, regional leaders, and the Feart coop from Molfetta, for concerts and a photo exhibition at the Royal Palace of the Spanish city. This event was part of our commitment to territorial marketing and creating synergies for territorial development.


On the way back, we were expected to visit the municipalities of Bitonto, Molfetta, and Vico del Gargano for concerts and a traveling photo exhibition, further promoting cultural tourism and the enhancement of the Molfetta area. The event concluded in Lecce with a final conference on Apulian and Spanish Easter rites, demonstrating our expertise in Apulia's tourism promotion and territorial cultural innovation.


This twinning strengthened networks between public and private entities and contributed to the promotion of Puglia's local resources and cultural traditions, enhancing our mission to create connections and development opportunities for local governments and private companies.




website > https://www.settimanasantainpuglia.it/content/puglia-spagna.asp?lan=ita


video > https://youtu.be/ByBs7Kw1nG8?feature=shared


video rai3 > https://youtu.be/1ag-yqVeVE8?feature=shared





is what we inadvertently wrote in the Spanish edition of the photographic volume accompanying the "Spring Full Moon" photo exhibition .
The computer's autocorrect program had changed the word from "national popular" to "national socialist." I was informed of this a few hours before catching the plane to Madrid by an incensed phone call from Spanish friends, to say the least.


Panic! They did not come to welcome us once we arrived in Valladolid: they were furious. On these occasions you understand that you can only count on yourself; we had only a few hours to spare and a solution had to be found or else "everything would blow up." Fortunately we found a printer willing to print immediately, paying through the nose, the copies needed for the press conference we would have that day at the Royal Palace.


Everything fortunately ended with kisses and hugs. I have collected within a volume, later purchased by the University of Valladolid, all the human and professional experience lived in those days and that I will forever carry in my heart as a memory of an unforgettable human and professional adventure.
This event further strengthened our capacity for crisis management and international cultural promotion, demonstrating our competence in territorial marketing and the enhancement of local resources, even in emergency situations.
Through this project, we promoted the local traditions and cultural heritage of Apulia, creating networks between public and private entities and collaborating with international cultural institutions.
The 'Plenilunio di Primavera' photo exhibition helped to promote cultural tourism and local development, reinforcing our mission of territorial cultural innovation:view our other cultural projects to discover the successful cultural events we have realised over the years and contact us today to learn more and find out how we can work together!


website > https://www.settimanasantainpuglia.it/content/puglia-spagna.asp?lan=ita


video > https://youtu.be/NTqlhPwyjFQ?feature=shared





PUGLIAUTENTICA.IT2021 This is a RED zone, Mr Armenio!
mayors and municipal councillors answered me on the phone. In the first months of 2020, the country was at a standstill due to the pandemic and it was forbidden to travel by any means.
We were all living in a moment of 'suspension' and talking about tourism, travel and holidays might have seemed inappropriate to many.
Instead, it was precisely the lever on which I aimed to stimulate the administrators to already think about the post-pandemic period, when the world would start up again. It was time to be prepared for the restart with targeted tourism and cultural promotion projects.

The turning point was precisely this: to go further, broaden our horizons and look to the future with optimism, enhancing local resources and promoting local traditions.

I decided to group our contents, on which we had been working for the past few years (from Easter events to patronal festivals, from the Christmas period to the Paths of the Soul and food and wine excellences), within a single brand, with an easily identifiable claim: PUGLIAUTENTICA.IT, the Apulia you have never seen.


Fourteen municipalities from the Gargano to the Ionian Sea and fifteen Apulian agri-food companies have joined the 'network', creating synergies for territorial development and promoting territorial marketing for local administrations and private entities.
With our e-commerce activity, we ship agri-food products throughoutEurope, contributing to the tourist promotion of Apulia.
Contact us today to find out how we can help you enhance the resources of your territory and promote your local traditions, and view our other projects to explore the successful initiatives we have implemented for eco-sustainable tourism.
This project demonstrates our experience in networking between public and private entities, in territorial cultural innovation and in the realisation of promotional events for eco-sustainable tourism.
website > https://www.pugliautentica.it/en/home.html
video > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGa2IEa5MHg&t=4s


press > www.pugliautentica.it/parlano-di-noi.html


press: www.rainews.it/tgr/puglia/articoli/2021/05/pug-Puglia-autentica-turismo-cultura-agroalimentare-097ed912-afb4-40f4-917b-4a1477c63ea2.html
communication&mkt territorial