





It was a DREAM to host in my city some of the great professionals and masters of photography such as master Gianni Berengo Gardin. This was possible thanks to the collaboration with the photographer and teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera - Milan - Cosmo Laera.
I felt a strong embarrassment sitting next to the greats of photography, followed their work in absolute and respectful silence and did nothing but pick up all their critical comments and suggestions to treasure them for my photographic passion.
There were 258 photo reports received in the editorial office. We stayed for two days locked inside the auditorium of the Diocesan Museum in Molfetta, side by side with the great artist and photographer Gianni Berengo Gardin, Denis Curti director of the magazine "Il Fotografo," Laura Serani of the European Institute of Photography in Paris, Antonella Gaeta of Apulia Film Commission,Giancarlo Piccirillo of the Pugliapromozione Agency and Enzo Quarto of the editorial staff of RAI 3 Puglia to select the photographic works received and decree the winner who would be awarded the prize money of 5.000,00.
The winner of the first prize was photographer Michele Sorrentino from Campania (photo procession of the Desolata / Canosa di Puglia). This event was part of our projects of cultural promotion and enhancement of local resources, highlighting the importance of territorial marketing and tourism promotion of Puglia.
The participation of internationally renowned professionals reinforced our strategy of territorial cultural innovation and our ability to attract global attention to Puglia's beauty and traditions.



Partners: European Institute of Photography / Paris • Puglia Promozione / Apulia Region • Apulia Region Tourism Department • Brera Academy of Milan • The Photographer • Apulia Film Commission • RAI3 Apulia
If you are looking for partners to promote cultural tourism and valorise local traditions get in touch with us, and have a look at our projects to find out how we can collaborate.



website > www.settimanasantainpuglia.it


video > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9T5PJETWJE

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If we get out LIVE from this room, I expect you in May at my house to attend our patronal feast.
The invitation was extended to me by Mr. Nicola of San Severo, whom I met in a sad hospital room in San Giovanni Rotondo. I went there in May and was thunderstruck to see "i fujenti."
I immediately went down the street during the patronal feast of Madonna del Soccorso to film what was happening: extraordinary, I thought. After a few days I was in the region in front of the Councillor for Tourism Silvia Godelli, to whom I proposed, film in hand, to create a new tourist-cultural brand (as we had done for the Easter rites) with the claim "Patrons of Puglia: The Feast" that would tell the most characteristic patronal festivals of our region.
The proposal was enthusiastically accepted and I immediately set off in weaving the "network" of municipalities. Fifteen municipalities immediately joined, over the years it became thirty-two.
We divided the festivals by typicality and peculiarities: from triumphal floats to fires and lights, from historical processions to pilgrimages and sea festivals.
The creation of a specification signed by the municipal bodies, guaranteeing the quality of the reception services offered to the traveler, allowed the creation of a network among thirty municipalities in Apulia: from the Gargano to the Ionian Sea with a view to deseasonalization of tourist flows through the creation of a color pocket guide divided by itineraries, a dedicated web portal, social activities and participation in trade fairs. This project was part of our plans to promote tourism and enhance local traditions, demonstrating the effectiveness of our territorial marketing.


Our territorial marketing strategy has helped make Puglia an attractive tourist destination, offering tourists a comprehensive experience that includes discovering the local traditions and cultural beauty of the region. Take the next step to promote your territory. Contact us to start a partnership, and browse our recent projects to see our approach in action.




website > www.patronidipuglia.it


video > https://youtu.be/V2DQHvMzV5w?feature=shared
communication&tourism promotion





I want a beautiful MANIFESTO.
I was asked for it in my office by the then prior of the Confraternity of Death, Dr. Franco Stanzione, accompanied by photographer Antonio D'Agostino.
After a few days, I showed up at the appointment with more than the graphic layout of a poster, with two typewritten folders describing a promotional project on the rites of "Holy Week in Molfetta" at a total cost of 30,000.00 euros.
They were shocked to say the least: the prior immediately said that the Brotherhood could only contribute a small fee.
Thanks to the involvement of the private companies Remec, Cattolica Popolare, Oleificio Goccia di Sole, Top Service, Garden Hotel, Editrice L'Immagine, Rifindecor, ConfSud, and without any public contribution, the project took shape and substance and we set off in the realization of:
Exhibit space at the International Tourism Exchange in Milan
Stand for two months at theBari-Palese Airport
Infopoint at the headquarters of the Confraternity of Death
A bilingual catalog and web portal
Guided tours during the Easter period
This project was part of our plans to promote tourism and enhance local traditions, demonstrating the effectiveness of our territorial marketing.
Through collaboration with public and private entities, we created synergies for territorial development and promotion of local traditions. The pocket guide, the bilingual web portal, social activities, participation in trade fairs, and guided tours have underscored our ability to promote cultural tourism in the city of Molfetta, involving local governments and private companies.
This project highlighted our ability to create networks between public and private entities, promoting local resources and enhancing the territory of Molfetta. Our territorial marketing strategy has contributed to making Molfetta an attractive tourist destination, offering tourists a comprehensive experience that includes discovering the local traditions and cultural beauty of the region.











Get ready now IT'S YOUR turn.
The hall was packed with national and international journalists and buyers who had arrived in Rome for the "Josp Fest the festival of the itineraries of the spirit," organized by the Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi now in its third edition that year.
I had to tell them and intrigue them with the new tourist-cultural container I had created, "SANCTA the places of the soul."
A new brand that told about the Easter rites of Holy Week, thepatronal festivals, the paths of the soul and the places of worship in Apulia.
"SANCTA" in short was a new brand related to the religious and cultural tourism of Puglia, part of our projects to promote tourism and enhance local traditions.
My heart was in my throat, I was so excited, in fact I had not prepared for anything and so I decided to "displace" the audience in some way. I distributed copies of the magazine (it was bilingual) to each of those present and invited them to discover and comment on it together as if we were leafing through a travelogue.
The participation was extraordinary and ended with a long applause, the roar of which I can still hear today. This success demonstrated the effectiveness of our territorial marketing and cultural promotion strategy, highlighting our expertise in involving public and private entities to create synergies for territorial development.
Through "SANCTA the places of the soul," we promoted local resources and enhanced the Apulian territory, collaborating with local governments and private companies to promote Puglia's cultural and religious tourism. Our ability to create networks between public and private entities and to innovate territorial culture has been further strengthened by this project.



religious and cultural tourism